






崇宁重宝系北宋徽宗崇宁年间铸(公元1102年~1106年),币质有铜、铁、银。 崇宁重宝为隶书铜、铁大钱,制作多亦精好,存世较多.




英文名称:Chongning heavy treasure






顺治通宝清朝钱币,铸于世祖顺治年间(1644年~1661年)。顺治通宝是清朝入关后正式铸行的第一种制钱,面文“顺治通宝”,钱文宋体、均为对读;多为黄铜质,有极少数为青铜;钱体趋于扁平,钱缘宽阔。顺治通宝主要为小平钱,少数折二、折十大钱,按背文变化和铸行阶段可分为五式。早期顺治钱保留了明朝制钱工艺,使其版式具有明显的明朝钱币特征,而后期彻底从明朝制钱体系中脱离出来,建立了独有的清代制钱风格。 “顺治五式”在明清钱币演化中起到了承前启后的作用。


乾隆通宝是乾隆时期的流通货币, 乾隆皇帝在位的60年里施展其“文治武功”的治国策略,创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世,之后民间便盛传佩带“乾隆通宝”铜钱可驱灾辟邪,又因乾隆二字谐音“钱隆”而备受后世藏家所喜爱的钱币。

该钱币铸于清高宗乾隆年间(1736-1795年),背面的满文比较复杂,上面有很详细的价格和钱币拓片。乾隆通宝钱径约25毫米,重约3g。钱面文字"乾隆通宝"以楷书书写,其字从上而下而右而左直读。钱背文字沿雍正满文钱式穿孔左边有"宝"字,穿孔右边铸有各局名 。币种与不同时期形状与大小也有不同。



英文名称:Shunzhi coppers











英文名称:Tang ning TongBao








英文翻译:Chongning treasure, one of the ancient Chinese COINS. It was cast during the Chongning Reign of Huizong in the Northern Song Dynasty (1102 ~1106 AD). Official script of "Chongning heavy treasure" was read opposite, simple and upright, mostly with light back, a few with star, moon, cross, etc.

Chongning treasure is one of the most important COINS in the northern Song Dynasty. According to statistics, Chongning chongbao edition probably in more than 300 kinds, each year there are different edition chongning chong Treasure experts or friends found.

Chongning different edition of the heavy treasure together with a high collection and ornamental value.

Chongning chongning treasure is the Northern Song Dynasty Emperor Huizong Chongning cast (AD 1102 ~1106), COINS are copper, iron, silver. Chongning heavy treasure for official script copper, iron big money, making more also fine, there are more.

Chongning heavy treasure money clerical script, simple and upright, rigorous solemn, fixed law. Some people believe that chongning's emphasis on qianwen is also the writings of Huizong, and some say that its writings were written by CAI Jing, but history is inconclusive.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Chong Bao Chong Ning

Chongning Heavy Treasure

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

This thousands of years of tang ning heavy treasure, for round square hole copper coin, size is correct, positive "ning bao" COINS official script to read four word, font dignified neat, stroke plump, tall and handsome, this money back light, perforated clean, COINS and tidy, of primitive simplicity, founder testimonies fixed, rigorous solemn, natural old wrapped slurry, the currency has undergone the endless years, but the lines are still clear, very rare. Chongning, as one of the famous springs of Huizong in the Northern Song Dynasty, has an important historical value and artistic value.

Carefully observe this coin, after the baptism of time, the erosion of the years, the color of this coin has changed. Front clerical script font, simple and square, "Chongning heavy treasure" four traditional characters shining. What remained on the coin between the lines was the rust that had corroded it, and the green rust made it clear at first glance that it was not made by hand by its descendants. The central part of the coin was a square with holes punched in it. The coin was cast in a shape that made it easy for people to string it up and hang it on their bodies without losing it. It is reported that Chongning treasure has more than one hundred kinds of edition, coin back is a lot of flowers wear, text mark, also a lot of star and moon grain shape, this coin back without any special mark, is also a rare version of one.

Shunzhi Tongbao is a Qing dynasty coin, cast in Shizu Shunzhi Years (1644 ~ 1661). Shunzhi Tongbao was the first kind of money making that was formally cast after entering the Customs in the Qing Dynasty. Most of them are made of brass, but very few of them are bronze. Money tends to be flat, money margin wide. Shunzhi Tong Bao mainly consists of xiaoping money, a small number of two, ten big money, according to the text changes and casting stage can be divided into five. In the early period, Shunzhi money retained the money-making technology of the Ming Dynasty, so that its format had obvious characteristics of Ming dynasty money, while in the later period, it completely broke away from the money-making system of the Ming Dynasty and established a unique style of Qing Dynasty money making. "Shunzhi Five forms" played a role in the evolution of COINS in Ming and Qing Dynasties.

After the qing army entered the customs, a series of large-scale wars broke out among the Qing regime, the Southern Ming regime and the peasant uprising regime. The unification war of qing dynasty dominated the casting of Shunzhi money, which was a classic case and physical evidence of the evolution of wartime currency.

Qianlong TongBao is the qianlong period of the currency, 60 years of the reign of the qianlong emperor exert its "tai temple" governing strategy, create the brilliant outstanding achievement in the feudal society in the last millennium, after folk rumours that wear "qianlong TongBao" copper can drive to ward off bad luck, and because of the word "qianlong homophonic" Qian Long "and the later collectors favorite COINS.

The coin was cast during the Qianlong Reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795). The back of the coin has complex Manchu characters with detailed price and coin rubbings on it. Qianlong tong bao money diameter about 25 mm, weight about 3g. Qianlong tongbao qianlong written in regular script, its characters from top to bottom and right and left straight read. Money back text along the Yongzheng Manwen money punched left with "treasure" character, punched right with each bureau name cast. Currencies also vary in shape and size from time to time.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Shunzhi copper coin

Shunzhi Coppers

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

Positive coin cylindrical inner side, the ancients thought day is round the ground is square, so with the finest jade jade is made to worship, later developed into the currency, can purchase items with jade, ancient COINS is also from this and come, the earliest ancient COINS like jade to the outer circle within a circle in the late due to grinding are prone to turn, in order to more efficient production coin, on developing circle out side of the coin, also conveniently fixed, greatly improving the production efficiency, to which ancient COINS, so ancient COINS is not only a kind of currency in circulation, but also a multiplier can be used to ward off bad luck to evil, Taoism is useful qianlong TongBao sword made of money, Used to practice exorcism, round for dry square for kun, four words between heaven and Earth straight read 'Shunzhi Tong Bao,' surface part of the production of black lacquer ancient package pulp, full of ancient charm, open the door to see the teacher's rare collection of grade COINS.

Tails are all different in manchu language preserved in the bureau, it is a rare back east one, this coin patina natural and downy light, the so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, there are also think hands wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like a plated coin on a layer of protective film, make money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy cloth wipe, do not destroy the wrapped slurry, destroyed the wrapped slurry is equivalent to destroy the protective layer, more important is the wrapped slurry is the most simple and effective method for identification of new and old COINS. Scrutinize these 8 COINS to taste photograph is perfect, without knock break, damage, be out of shape to wait to be not much collect class copper coin, the proposal is collected, pass down the world.

Chongzhen Tong Bao is a kind of Ming dynasty currency, which was cast in 1628 by Emperor Zhu Youjian of Ming Dynasty.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the peasants revolted. Outside Shanhaiguan, the Manchu government led by Huang Taiji also looked at every move inside Shanhaiguan, leaving the Ming Dynasty in a situation of external trouble and internal trouble. In March of the ninth year of Chongzhen (1636), emperor Chongzhen, who was burned by the peasant uprising, dismissed Gan Xuekuo, governor of Shaanxi, and replaced him with Sun Chuanting. Sun Chuanting (1593-1643), nicknamed Baigu, was a man of Daizhou. In the forty-seventh year of Wanli (1619), he served successively as governor of Yongcheng county and chief minister of civil Affairs. After Sun Chuanting took office, he was faced with a situation in which there were no elite troops and strong generals, and no logistics support. The court could not give him people, money, food and so on. However, in the face of this mess, sun Chuanting, a versatile man, raised his own troops and took care of his own expenses. He was completely self-sufficient and managed the military affairs of Shaanxi effectively. He established a very strong fighting force in Yulin, an important town of Qin and known as the world's most powerful army.

At the same time of the establishment of qin army in Yulin, sun Chuangting opened a furnace and cast a drum in Yulin on the spot in order to solve the problem of military supplies. His purpose was to carry the money of "Yu" for Chongzhen Tongbao, and to carry the money of "Yu" for each point.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Chong Ning Tong Bao

English name: Tang Ning TongBao

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

Coin outside round inside square, round for dry square for kun, chongzhen Tong Bao four words read directly between heaven and earth, on the back, the overall handwriting is clear, clear outline, copper rust package pulp natural, very open to see the old, is a rare collection of extremely COINS.

At that time, the guanzhong peasant army was dominated by gao Yingxiang, the king of Shaanxi. After sun Chuanting became governor of Shaanxi for only four months, he planned to defeat him and send him to Beijing for execution. In the spring of the eleventh Year of Chongzhen (1638), Li Zicheng, the king of the new adventure, under the joint efforts of Sun Chuanting and Hong Chengchao, destroyed his troops with heavy casualties. He broke through the siege with only 18 troops and reached shangluo Mountain. The peasant army in Shaanxi was almost suppressed. At this time, chongzhen Emperor urgent call Sun Chuangting and Hong Chengchou into the wei, after Sun Chuangting because of the powerful minister Yang Sichang not to agree, by its frame, chongzhen emperor was banished to the people, and imprisoned. In prison for three years, xiong wencan, Yang sichang and so on in the war with the peasants repeatedly defeated, emperor chongzhen remembered the peasant army's enemy sun chuangting, in the fifteenth year of chongzhen (1642) sun chuangting for the military department right assistant minister, ordered to help kaifeng, soon as shaanxi governor. In the face of the order to send troops quickly, Sun Chuanting said soldiers for the new recruitment, this time also unbearable, but chongzhen Emperor ignored, Sun Chuanting had to go out of the division, finally in the days of heavy rain, food and grass is not enough, led to the "persimmonous garden battle".

After the defeat, Sun Chuanting planned to defend Tongguan with all his strength to ensure the safety of the capital. But in May of the 16th year of Chongzhen (1643), The Ming Government promoted Sun Chuanting to be commander of the military department, renamed it division, and put him in charge of military affairs in Shanxi, Huguang, Guizhou, South of the Yangtze River and North, urging him to go into battle. After saying goodbye to his wife, he left for Tongguan on August 10th to fight a decisive battle with Li Zicheng. In September, he was defeated in Ruzhou. In early October, Li Zicheng marched into Tongguan and Sun Chuanting died at the age of 51. In November, Yulin -- Sun Chuanting built the Qin army, li Zicheng was defeated, all three sides, so far the peasant army can drive east, Chongzhen Tongbao back "Yu" money also witnessed this period of bloody history fell the curtain, leaving only the "Chuan ting died and Ming died" sigh through the ages.

End of the three coin patina nature, light is downy, so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, there are also think hands wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like to coin a layer of protective film on the plating, is money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy cloth wipe, do not destroy the wrapped slurry, destroyed the wrapped slurry is equivalent to destroy the protective layer, more important is the wrapped slurry is the most simple and effective method for identification of new and old COINS. Look closely at these three COINS phase perfect, no knock, damage, deformation, etc. Is not much collection of grade copper COINS, Suggestions for collection, handed down.

