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The most popular name for a pet has been revealed.最受欢迎的宠物名字已经揭晓。

Alfie is the most popular pet name in Britain, according to a new survey. Bella is a close second and Charlie is third in the study.一项新研究指出,在英国,阿尔菲是最受欢迎的宠物爱称。在这项研究中,贝拉紧随其后,位居第二,查理排在第三。

Alfie is also the most popular dog name while Charlie topped the poll as the number one name among the cats.阿尔菲还是最受欢迎的狗狗爱称,而在最受欢迎的猫咪爱称中,查理排在第一位。

Popular culture also played a part with David Bowie.在(为宠物起名的)流行文化中,大卫·鲍伊也参与其中(成为备受欢迎的宠物爱称之一)。

Researchers also [w=delve]delved into what were the most popular inspirations behind the naming of their furry friends.研究员还深入探讨了这样一个问题,在为这些毛茸茸的动物朋友们命名的时候,最常见的灵感来自何处?


The data showed that cat owners were more likely to find inspiration from their favorite foods, Game of Thrones and Harry Potter, whereas more dogs were named after their owner's musical heroes.数据显示,猫咪的主人们更有可能从他们最喜爱的食物、《权力的游戏》、《哈利波特》中获取灵感,而狗狗们多数是以他们主人的音乐偶像的名字来命名的。

Westley Pearson, director of marketing for Animal Friends, said: "Trends over the last few years have shown that people are far more likely to give their pets 'human' names than ever before, which could be attributed to the fact that we are gradually considering our pets are a part of the family.“动物朋友”的营销总监韦斯特利·皮尔森表示,“过去几年的趋势显示,与以前相比,人们更有可能用‘人类’的名字来为他们的宠物命名,这是因为我们正逐渐把宠物当成家庭的一份子。”

"Pop-culture trends come and go, but clearly our affection for our animals is a constant."“流行文化的趋势瞬息即逝,但是,很显然,我们对动物的喜爱始终不变。”

Some of people weren't too imaginative and even called their cats, cat.一些人太没想像力了,还在称呼他们的猫咪为“猫咪”。



The 10 most popular names for every pet最受欢迎的宠物爱称TOP10

1. Alfie阿尔菲

2. Bella贝拉

3. Charlie查理

4. Daisy黛西

5. Bailey贝利

6. Buddy巴迪

7. Archie阿尔奇

8. Coco可可

9. Barney巴尼

10. George乔治






